If One Man Says to Thee thou Art a Donkey Pay No Heed If Two Speak Thus Purchase a Saddle

by Al Maxey

Consequence #677 ------- October 1, 2015
The American people are a very generous
people, and will forgive nearly any weakness,
with the possible exception of stupidity.

Volition Rogers (1879-1935)

Idiots and Wild Donkeys
Reflective Analysis of Job eleven:12

Jesus declared, "The poor you have e'er with you" (Matt. 26:11; Marker 14:7; John 12:viii), but Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) gave this well-known statement a new twist when he wrote in his journal, "The stupid y'all have always with you." Sadly, both statements reverberate the reality of the homo condition. Puck, in Shakespeare's play "A Midsummer Night's Dream," got it right when he said, "Lord, what fools these mortals be!" One of my favorite sayings inside the Jewish rabbinical writings known as the Midrash is: "If one man says to thee, 'Thousand art a donkey,' do not mind; if two speak thus, buy a saddle for thyself." Let's exist honest with ourselves: we have all, at one time or another (and some more than frequently than others), acted foolishly, thus portraying ourselves to others as idiots. This is so common that such a thought is even presented proverbially inside the Scriptures: "A stupid man will get understanding when a wild ass'southward colt is born a man" (Job xi:12, English Standard Version).

An "idiot," according to Webster's New Earth Lexicon, is "a very foolish or stupid person." The Bible is filled with hundreds of references to fools and their foolishness, and they are never portrayed in a positive light. Years agone I saw a cartoon portraying God as a Chef, and He was pouring diverse "ingredients" into His mixing bowl as He was creating His master concoction of humanity. He was putting in the various races, rich and poor, young and old, and then He grabbed a container labeled "idiots," and as He poured it out liberally into His mixture He said with a smiling, "Just to make things interesting!" And yet, God's true feelings are accurately and succinctly stated in Ecclesiastes v:four -- "He has no pleasure in fools." Ignorance can be remedied by the acquisition of knowledge, merely there is no cure for stupid. This thought is portrayed powerfully and proverbially in the statement fabricated by Zophar to Job (Job 11:12) quoted at the end of the first paragraph above: "An idiot volition become intelligent when the foal of a wild donkey is born a man" (New American Standard Bible). This is an extremely difficult passage to translate from the original Hebrew, and scholars accept debated for centuries exactly how the words should be rendered and what they might signify. For example, notice the wide variety of the post-obit renderings (which are in addition to the 2 versions already quoted above):

  • "For vain men would be wise, though homo exist born similar a wild ass'due south colt" -- Male monarch James Version
  • "But vain homo is void of understanding. Yes, man is built-in every bit a wild ass's colt" -- American Standard Version
  • "Stupid people will first existence wise when wild donkeys are built-in tame" -- Adept News Translation
  • "It'south easier to tame a wild donkey than to brand a fool wise" -- Gimmicky English language Version (a footnote reads: "ane possible significant for the difficult Hebrew text")
  • "A wild ass cannot requite nascency to a homo, and a stupid person volition never become wise" -- Easy-to-Read Version
  • "An empty homo can gain understanding, even if he was born like a wild donkey" -- Complete Jewish Bible
  • "A vain man is lifted up into pride, and thinketh himself born free like a wild ass's colt" -- Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition
  • "But an empty-headed person volition get agreement when a wild donkey's colt is built-in as a man being" -- Lexham English language Bible
  • "Hollow men, hollow women, will wise up about the same time mules larn to talk" -- The Message
  • "The witless can no more get wise than a wild donkey's filly can be built-in homo" -- New International Version
  • "An airheaded person won't become wise any more than a wild donkey can bear a human being child" -- New Living Translation
  • "But a stupid person will become understanding when a wild ass is born human" -- New Revised Standard Version (a footnote reads: "the meaning of the Hebrew is uncertain")
  • "A vain human is raised upward into pride; and he guesseth himself built-in free, as the colt of a wild ass" -- Wycliffe Bible
  • "Will empty human being and then proceeds understanding, and the wild jackass be made docile?" -- New American Bible, St. Joseph Edition
  • "Can a fool grow wise? Can a wild ass'south foal exist born a man?" -- New English Bible
  • "Fifty-fifty a hollow-minded man himself volition become good motive as soon as an asinine zebra be born a man" -- New Earth Translation of the Holy Scriptures
  • "Man vainly buoys himself up (floats almost) with words; and a mortal born of woman is like an ass of the desert" -- The Septuagint

Equally ane tin can run across, "in that location is no end to the translations of this verse, and conjectures relative to its meaning" [Adam Clarke, Clarke's Commentary, vol. 3, p. 63]. Part of the reason for this is: "The original is difficult and uncertain" [ibid]. "It is extremely difficult because it is hard to distinguish subject and predicate" [Dr. Charles Ellicott, Commentary on the Whole Bible, vol. 4, p. 24], and thus this text "has been variously mis interpreted" [Drs. Keil and Delitzsch, Commentary on the Old Attestation, vol. 4, p. 183]. Most scholars, however, agree on the intent of the passage: information technology describes the bully difficulty of always turning abroad a fool from his folly. You have about as much of a chance of accomplishing that as you would in finding a wild donkey giving birth to a human (or beingness born tame and domesticated). In other words, some things are extremely unlikely, if not altogether impossible, considering it goes confronting the nature of the thing involved. The wild donkeys of the Judean desert were by nature strong-willed and untamed, and were and so commonly regarded as such that information technology became proverbial among the people of State of israel. "The wild ass is a hit image of that which is untamed and unsubdued. ... the proverbial paradigm of wildness and an unsubdued spirit" [Albert Barnes, Notes on the Bible, e-Sword]. This is "a saying for untamed wildness" [Drs. Jamieson, Fausset, Brown, Commentary Practical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, p. 373]. Matthew Henry stated than "an idiot is like an ass, the nearly stupid of animals" [Commentary on the Whole Bible, e-Sword]. John Wesley (1703-1791) described the wild desert donkey as "ignorant, dull, and stupid, and withal heady and intractable" [Explanatory Notes on the Whole Bible, e-Sword].

The two major schools of thought with regard to this proverbial passage from the book of Job is that the latter half is speaking of (1) a wild ass giving birth to a human being, or (2) a wild donkey being born docile and domesticated. The 2d view is probably the nigh probable agreement, for it speaks to the inherent nature of the animal. Fools are foolish and donkeys are wild, and information technology is about equally hard to make a fool wise equally it is to tame a wild donkey, for in both cases one seeks to completely transform their nature. Though not impossible, it is improbable. Thus, this "emblematic saying suggests the one volition happen not earlier than, and equally fiddling as, the other" [Drs. Keil and Delitzsch, Commentary on the Old Testament, vol. 4, p. 185]. "Zophar labeled Task a witless, dizzy man with every bit much risk to become wise as a wild donkey has to be born tame" [The Expositor's Bible Commentary, vol. 4, p. 917]. Dr. Paul Kretzmann suggests: "A witless fool should exist filled with understanding, and he should exist regenerated, though by nature he is every bit untamed as the filly of a wild ass" [Popular Commentary of the Bible: The Old Testament, vol. 2, p. 16].

In Genesis 16:12, the Angel of the Lord informed Hagar that the child she would bear (whose proper noun was to be Ishmael) would "be a wild donkey of a human being" (the literal Hebrew is: "a wild-ass man"). Information technology was a reference to his nature. Zophar, "the third, and possibly the youngest of the friends of Job" [The Broadman Bible Commentary, vol. four, p. 63], was convinced that Task possessed and was displaying an insubmissive spirit: that he was not submitting to God every bit he should, and thus Zophar was rather harsh with Job for what he perceived his nature to be. In effect, Zophar "attempted heavy-handed shock treatment to get through to Job, and the sharpness of his sarcasm is demonstrated in poetry 12" [The Expositor's Bible Commentary, vol. 4, p. 917]. Sadly, "similar Bildad, he lacked compassion and was ruthlessly judgmental. He thought Chore, who was suffering to the signal of despair, was getting much less than he deserved" [ibid, p. 916]. Adam Clarke said of Zophar, "In sour godliness he excelled all the rest" [Clarke'south Commentary, vol. 3, p. 63]. The truly tragic matter about this whole scenario with Zophar and Job is that the former had completely misread and misunderstood the state of affairs before him, and as a result he did nothing to convalesce Job'south suffering, and in fact added to it. In a far more than full general sense, even so, Zophar had a point: those who live as fools, behaving heedlessly, are indeed a difficult bunch to try and convert to a wiser and more noble existence. It can be washed, merely information technology is about as frustrating as taming a wild donkey, or the colt of one. The Bible is filled with accounts of the foolishness of fools, and of the willful stubbornness of such "wild-ass men/women" who are determined to "do as they please" regardless of who gets harmed in the process.

Yeah, the spiritually stubborn, and all those steeped in foolishness, are always with us, and like God we find little pleasance in them. The prophet Jeremiah characterized his people as existence too much like "a swift young camel entangling her ways, and a wild donkey accustomed to the wilderness who sniffs the current of air in her passion" (Jeremiah 2:23-24). They are stubborn, senseless creatures, dwelling in the wilderness of this world, and sniffing the wind to detect whatever information technology takes to satisfy their worldly passions. How does one change the nature of a wild donkey? How does one alter the nature of a fool? With regard to the latter, some will say, "Teach them." Nevertheless, "fools despise wisdom and pedagogy" (Proverbs 1:7), and "fools hate knowledge" (vs. 22). "Wisdom is too high for a fool" (Proverbs 24:7). "Though you grind a fool in a mortar, grinding him like grain with a pestle, you will not remove his folly from him" (Proverbs 27:22). "You lot stupid ones, when will you become wise?" (Psalm 94:8). Sadly, most never will, for changing their nature is about equally hard equally irresolute the nature of a wild donkey and/or its colt romping in the desert. Information technology can happen, merely it is rather rare. God didn't call me to tame wild jackasses (figuratively speaking), and I behave the hoof prints of my few efforts to exercise then! He has called me, however, to aid the willing seeker to be transformed into the image of our Lord. Fools and idiots we ever have with u.s., and they will continue to persist in their folly. Thus, I will waste matter no time on them. My efforts volition be focused on sharing the wisdom from above with those genuinely desirous of a relationship with the Lord through faith in His Son Jesus. All other doctrine and dogma I'll leave to the desert donkeys, a difficult-headed herd who exercise far more braying than praying.

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Readers' Reflections

From a Reader in Colorado:

Our CD we purchased from y'all on The New Covenant Church building arrived today. Thanks again for your prompt service. My married man and I listened to the recording of the starting time class in this serial today, and it was not bad! We actually enjoy listening to your style of teaching. Even Jeff (the one in your class who makes such good comments) seems like an old friend. (LOL) Have a nice weekend.

From a Reader in Oklahoma:

I tin just imagine the legalistic brethren ranting over your new Reflections article: "The Paradox of Dying to Live" (Reflections #676). You are killing off their entire herd of sacred cows! They volition surely be heating the tar pots and collecting feathers for you! Nosotros love y'all, brother. Proceed tearing downward the walls of legalism.

From a Reader in Georgia:

"The Paradox of Dying to Live" is outstanding !! I get so weary of listening to people manipulate Romans 6 for the purpose of elevating water higher up claret. I am so glad you point this stuff out for folks who just haven't had the time to study on their own to the level it requires to properly distinguish Truth from tradition. Go on at it, brother! Dear and Best Wishes to you!

From Ray Downen in Missouri:

I received your latest Reflections article ("The Paradox of Dying to Live") in today's email. You seem determined to rewrite the gospels and apostolic writings in order to remove from the Style the baptism commanded by Jesus. In Romans 6, Paul makes clear that the way nosotros enter into fellowship with Jesus is by baptism. Yous imply that Paul is just mentioning baptism every bit an bated from the main thrust of his message. But Paul couldn't have been more than clear. Baptism is the burying of a human of sin and resurrection into new life of a repentant believer in Jesus (Romans 6:i-6). Try as you might, you lot tin can't erase what the apostle wrote. Simply yous do your best to say he didn't mean what he was saying. And you lot claim to love Jesus and want to serve Him. Baptists mean well, just they are NOT serving Jesus by teaching contrary to what Jesus commands and what His apostles taught and proficient. Your conversion doctrine is Baptist doctrine. Information technology is NOT Christian doctrine. I wish y'all would exist honest and tell all your friends that the doctrine y'all now teach is Baptist (not Christian) doctrine. Thousands are existence led off-target by your teaching. You hooked the states past instruction against legalism, and in that you were right. Only your present didactics is faux education, and it is no accident. It's on purpose. It's Baptist doctrine. I would exist glad if you would quote my response in full in a future Reflections article. I waste no words.

  • I wrote the post-obit to Ray Downen, whom I take known for many years, and with whom I accept ever enjoyed visiting (peculiarly when nosotros would visit face-to-confront each year at The Tulsa Workshop): "Ray, I neither teach 'Baptist' doctrine, nor 'Church of Christ' doctrine, nor 'Christian Church' doctrine, nor ... etc. I merely seek, through careful and prayerful enquiry and reflection, to empathise and convey, to the best of my ability, biblical doctrine. I believe many of the doctrines and practices embraced by the diverse denominational movements (including our own) are far more than tradition than Truth, and I have no qualms whatsoever about pointing this out, so challenging people to reconsider diverse texts and traditions with fresh insight. Some people get bellyaching when their sectarian sacred cows are disturbed, but Jesus Himself provided the example for doing only that (and the religious weren't happy with Him either). I have no desire to 'rewrite the gospels and apostolic writings,' nor am I trying to 'erase what the apostles wrote.' I just seek to better understand their teaching, rather than perpetuate the traditional interpretations of some religious movement. Truth has nada to fear from honest investigation, but tradition will howl and rage whenever it is subjected to the aforementioned. Accept a great weekend, brother. May God bless you." -- Al Maxey

From a Reader in Louisiana:

In reviewing a Christian book catalog, I came across a book by Dr. Everett Ferguson titled "Baptism in the Early Church: History, Theology and Liturgy in the First Five Centuries." In reading some of the reviews, one person stated that information technology was just a book in defence force of Church of Christ teachings on baptism. I was considering purchasing it, but am at present a little hesitant since I practice not want to pay $37 to read a 984 page defense of the traditional Church of Christ teachings on this topic. I already know what they are, having grown up in this tradition. I would rather reread your book Immersed By One Spirit instead. Thanks for all of your weekly writings in Reflections. They are a approval to all who will read them with an open up mind. I for one have been spiritually enriched by your writing ministry, and I periodically pass your articles on to friends. Peace and blessings to y'all and your family.

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Source: https://www.zianet.com/maxey/reflx677.htm

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