Mount and Blade Warband What to Do With Captured Lords

Mountain And Blade 2 Bannerlord prisoners: ransoming and recruiting enemy soldiers

Recruiting prisoners to your army

In Mountain And Blade 2 Bannerlord, the most efficient way to go new troops for your army is to recruit prisoners who are willing to change their alliances. That's not all you lot tin can do with your prisoners though, as you tin can bribe them for a skillful source funds for your campaign.

This Mount And Bract two Bannerlord prisoners guide will tell you how to capture prisoners, how to recruit or bribe them, and why executing lords or nobles might be a bad idea.

  • How to capture enemy soldiers in Bannerlord?
  • Ransoming prisoners in Bannerlord
  • Recruiting prisoners in Bannerlord
  • Executing lords and nobles
  • Mount And Blade 2 Bannerlord guide series

Mount And Blade 2 Bannerlord prisoner

How to capture enemy soldiers in Bannerlord

To capture all kinds of enemies, no matter if they are regular bandits or the noblest of lords, y'all need to defeat them in boxing pastknocking them unconscious by using blunt weapons. Taking down an enemy with a bladed or ranged weapon volition kill the soldier outright. It's important to distinguish that running over an enemy with a horse volition knock them unconscious as it counts as blunt damage, unless you have conched a lance in advance as that is a bladed weapon. You'll know if you have killed an enemy if the notification at the top right of the screen shows a red skull, and a white skull shows they're unconscious.

At the terminate of the battle, you'll go a results screen which shows both numbers of killed and unconscious enemies. Of those unconscious enemies, you'll then become a selection of which ones to capture and make your prisoner.

Keep in mind at all times though that there is a limit to the number of prisoners you lot tin capture. The prisoner number cap is around half of your current troop party size. Should y'all exceed this prisoner cap, the prisoners volition tedious your regular army downwards in the earth map and even have a risk to escape your grasp.

Ransoming prisoners in Bannerlord

Now that you accept captured some soldiers or bandits, what exercise you do with them? The simplest fashion to deal with them is to head to the biggest town nearby. These towns take taverns where you can ransom some or all of the prisoners y'all have, in exchange for golden.

How much gold yous get is dependent on the prisoners yous have. Looters are worth practically null, but if you manage to capture a highly specialised soldier, or even a lord/noble, then they are worth significantly more gold.

Ransoming prisoners also has the side effect of increasing your trade and roguery skill points and I highly recommend taking some time to bribe them one by one to increase those skill points multiple times.

Recruiting prisoners in Bannerlord

If you capture a specially potent soldier you lot may wish to recruit them to your regular army. You tin notice a list of the best ones for each region in our Mount And Blade 2 Bannerlord troops guide.

It may take having that prisoner in your party for a long time before you go the selection to convert them to your cause. Go on them captive long plenty and somewhen you'll get the option to brand them defect to your party.

The but prisoners that cannot be recruited are nobles and lords every bit the option to recruit them is greyed out. Yous can talk to them, but there isn't a lot y'all can say at the time of writing.

Bandits can also be converted into normal troops one time you have recruited them by having the disciplinarian perk, which is institute at Leadership level 125.

Executing lords and nobles

You lot may discover that a detail lord or noble is getting in the manner in undermining your progress. Letting them become or ransoming them for gold will only event in them coming dorsum later on with a new army. In that location is ane other option, but it'south non exactly pretty.To execute a captured lord or noble, go into the party tab on the map and select the named prisoner. Y'all'll see three options, one of which is highlighted in ruby-red. This is the execute option.

Executing lords or nobles is highly frowned upon. You'll therefore lose some reputation and the relationship with the prisoner's faction and anyone allied to them will sour significantly. There doesn't seem to exist much do good to doing this, aside from getting rid of a persistent threat. I wouldn't really recommend it when you can merely keep a noble prisoner instead.

Mount And Blade 2 Bannerlord guide serial

With that, you should now know everything yous demand to know about how to handle prisoners of all kinds. Thank you for reading ourMount And Bract 2 Bannerlord prisoners guide. There are plenty more guides in the works, but for now you can check out our other guides for the game, including details for graphic symbol creation, as well as the bugs that are unfortunately in the game. Here are some guides to get you started:

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