What happens when adults lie to children?

© 2022 – 2022 Gwen Dewar, Ph.D., all rights reserved

What happens when adults prevarication to children? The evidence suggests that kids become more than quack with us, and not only that: When nosotros make a practise of telling children lies, kids may exist at a higher risk of developing aggressive and hating behavior bug.

kids listening and looking skeptical, by Elaine Sanchez, DOD

How do nosotros know? What makes lying then "contagious"? And what tin nosotros practise to finish it? Permit's take a closer look at the inquiry.

Blatant lying 101: The quick and piece of cake style to increase dishonesty in children

Moving-picture show this. An adult meets a kid, and says, "There is a huge bowl of processed in the next room. Want to go become some?"

The child agrees, and follows the adult into the room. But there is no candy. The adult admits it was a lie, explaining, "I just said that considering I wanted you to come up play with me."

This was the showtime step in an experiment conducted past Chelsea Hays and Leslie Carver. The researchers subjected 46 children to this trickery, and — as you might expect — these kids felt disappointed. But the children were polite, and they agreed to play with the developed anyhow.

Which leads to the next part of the experiment: A guessing game.


For this stage of the experiment, each kid was asked to stare straight ahead while the adult held a toy behind the child's dorsum.

The toy represented a familiar children'southward fictional grapheme (like Winnie the Pooh, or the Cookie Monster), and the child'southward job was to guess the identity of the toy without looking.

Later on playing 2 rounds of the game, the adult suddenly explained that she had to exit for a minute to take a phone call. She said she'd be right dorsum, afterward which they would continue the game.

And meanwhile, she explained, she was going to go out behind the adjacent toy to be identified. She covered it — so the child couldn't see what it was — and put it on a table.

child peaking over edge of table

"Don't peek while I'm gone!"

The adult was gone for 90 seconds, during which time the child's activities were recorded by a subconscious camera.

When the developed returned, she asked the child to promise to tell the truth. And so she asked the child, "When I was gone did you lot turn around and peek to look at the toy?"

Then this was the moment of truth. If kids had taken a peek, would they lie virtually it at present? Hays and Carver recorded the answers, and compared the results to those of children in a command group — 47 kids who went through the same procedure, merely without the initial trickery. They hadn't been lied to.

Did information technology make any departure? Did kids react differently depending on whether or not they'd previously defenseless the adult in a prevarication?

The answer – for the youngest kids – was no. Compared with older children, three- and 4-twelvemonth-olds tended to peek more than often. They also tended to tell the truth more frequently. But their responses didn't vary by condition. Beingness lied to did not make a deviation.

By dissimilarity, the behavior of older kids (ages v and up) depended on the adult's rail record.

The kids who'd been tricked past the developed were more than likely to peek. They were also more likely to lie near it afterwards.

Why weren't the youngest children affected?

Maybe the preschoolers in this experiment were simply too young to empathise how lying works.  As I note opens in a new windowelsewhere, research suggests that young children lack the cerebral skills to fully grasp the concept of lying. Another possibility: Mayhap the youngest children were more forgiving (Hays and Carver 2014).

But either fashion, the experiment provides united states with evidence that older kids – children aged 5 and upward – changed their behavior. And we should consider. This experiment concerned only very brusque-term effects — a kid's firsthand reaction to a single deed of lying.

What happens when kids are raised in an environment where adults routinely employ lies to command and manipulate?

four grumpy children look defiantly at the camera

The best way to reply this questionscientifically would exist to conduct long-term experiments.

Just that would be extremely unethical. Randomly assigning some kids to be raised by adults who lie to them on a regular footing? We can't practice that.

So we're left with another approach: Mensurate lying in the existent earth, and look for correlations.

If yous grow up with a parent who routinely lies to you, are you lot more likely to engage in dishonesty yourself? Rachel Santos and her colleagues has tried this approach with a couple of studies.

In one written report, they interviewed 50 female college undergraduates at a North American university (Santos et al 20117). In the other, they questioned 179 young adults living in Singapore (Setoh et al 2020). And in both cases, the researchers asked people to reflect on their childhoods, and to remember whether or not their parents had been in the habit of telling them lies.

In particular, the researchers asked about four categories of falsehoods:

  • lies related to eating ( eastward.g., "you demand to terminate all your nutrient or you will get pimples all over your face up,")
  • lies related to leaving or staying ( e.g.,"if you lot don't come with me now, I will exit you hither by yourself,")
  • lies related to money (e.k., "I did not bring money with me today, we can come dorsum another day,") and
  • lies related to misbehavior (e.g., "if you practise not conduct, I will call the police force").

These are called "instrumental lies," and they are pretty common.

In a survey of parents in the U.s. and China, near one-half the American participants reported telling their kids instrumental lies related to misbehavior, and a bulk of parents in both countries reported telling at least ane lie from each of the other three categories (Heyman et al 2013).

But some parents lie more than others. Does this have an touch on on the fashion kids behave when they reach young machismo? To find out, Santos and her colleagues likewise asked study participants about their ain, current beliefs patterns. And there were links.

Immature adults who remembered greater exposure to "parenting by lying" were more likely to study "lying to their parents more frequently in machismo" (Santos et al 2017).

They as well showed higher levels of psychological maladjustment. They were more likely to endure from ambitious beliefs issues and  antisocial personality problems(Santos et al 2017; Setoh et al 2020).

Of form, these are correlations only. They don't prove that parental lying causes — or contributes to  — the development of dishonesty and psychological maladjustment. Simply the results are consistent with this estimation. They're too consistent with some of the short-term effects observed in the "I've got a huge bowl of processed" experiment.

And the results jibe other enquiry about social networks. People are more likely to tell lies when they perceive that other people in their earth — friends, family, romantic partners — make a habit of stretching the truth (Isle of mann et al 2014).

Moreover, the whole "dishonesty-breeds-dishonesty" blueprint makes sense, especially if you consider things from the perspective of game theory.

In item, the outcomes of these studies remind me of research on the Prisoner's Dilemma, a classic strategic scenario. If y'all haven't heard of it earlier — or you need a reminder about the details — hither'due south a version of the puzzle for you lot to review.

The Prisoner'due south Dilemma: Should yous trust your partner, or wait out for yourself?

Imagine that you lot are defendant of having committed crimes with an accomplice. Both yous and the other person have been arrested by the police. Your accomplice is being held in a split cell, and the two of you can't communicate.

The prosecutors demand a confession to ensure they get a conviction on the virtually serious charges. And so they offer yous a deal:

"If you lot confess and your accomplice remains silent, we will permit you become free, and your accomplice volition spend 20 years in jail."

That's good for you, right? But at that place'due south a problem. They besides tell y'all this:

"If both of you confess, and then you'll each get 15 years in prison."

And then maybe you should staysilent. Except remaining silent comes with its ain risks:

"If you stay silent and your accomplice confesses, then your accomplice volition go free, and y'all'll be the one to serve the 20-year sentence."

Uh-oh. That'due south not good. And ifboth of you stay silent?

"If neither of you confesses, we'll convict y'all both on the lesser charges, and you lot will both serve a judgement of two months."

Y'all tin see why the Prisoner's Dilemma is troublesome. To make a pick that will minimize prison house time, you need to know what the other guy is going to do.

If the ii of you lot could talk privately — and trust each other — y'all could strike a deal. You could hold to stay silent. Yous'd each pay a pocket-sized penalty — serve a sentence of two months. But you would both avert spending 20 years in prison.

But unfortunately you can't have this private conference, and you have to worry almost beingness double-crossed. And that might inspire both of you lot to confess — in which case you lot both end upwards serving fifteen years!

So what does this have to practise with honesty and parenting?


You might never find yourself facing prison house time. But the underlying dilemma – to cooperate or defect – comes upward all the fourth dimension in daily life.

We ofttimes encounter situations in which we'd prefer to cooperate. It doesn't e'er atomic number 82 to the options that maximize our immediate, selfish interests. But it commonly serves us pretty well. And it comes with long-term payoffs: It helps us build supportive social networks. We can look forward to the future knowing that somebody else has got our back.

But in that location's a hitch, a trouble with cooperating. What if we can't trust the other guy?

And that'due south where the Prisoner's Dilemma relates to "parenting by lying."Kids have to decide whether or not to trust us.

The parent is similar the accomplice in the Prisoner'southward Dilemma  – the person the child is trying to second-gauge. If kids know we've lied to them in the past, they must determine if nosotros're worth cooperating with now.

Should kids take that chance? Or should they abandon cooperation, and look out for themselves?

Game theorists have studied these situations, and suggested that one strategy is pretty constructive, at to the lowest degree when we play the game repetitively with the same individual. Information technology's called "tit-for-tat," and it's pretty simple:

The "tit for tat" strategy

ane. Brainstorm the start game past choosing to cooperate.

ii. If your partner makes the same choice, hooray! Yous've got reason to trust. When the game is repeated, cooperate again, and go along in this mode as long as your partner keeps cooperating.

3. But the moment your partner defects, do the same. He abased you, and can't be trusted any longer.

Exercise children reply to parental lying past playing tit-for-tat?

If so, nosotros're in trouble! The first time they take hold of us out in a self-serving, manipulative lie, they may decide to respond in kind.

Just at that place is evidence that intelligent, social creatures – similar humans and chimpanzees – don't play tit-for-tat in this unforgiving mode (Jaeggi et al 2013).

Instead, individuals act as if it'due south the long-term trend that counts. If your partner has a adept track record of being helpful and trustworthy, you may exist willing to overlook the occasional defection or broken promise.

And that's hopeful news. If you're guilty of "parenting by lying," you needn't assume that you've diddled information technology. Continue lying to a minimum — establish a skilful rails record — and it's likely you'll build upwards a reservoir of trust.

But the research does hold upward a alarm sign.

When we lie to kids, they may view this every bit the light-green low-cal to prevarication dorsum. And if we don't take steps to repair the trust, we might pay long-term costs.


The Prisoner's Dilemma might help explain why kids tell lies to dishonest adults. Only what nigh the other, long-term outcomes observed by Rachel Santos and her colleagues? The increased aggression? The higher risk of developing anti-social personality problems?

We tin't know for sure. Merely the researchers speculate that "parenting by lying" tends to displace other, more effective methods of shaping behavior.

Parents who rely heavily on instrumental lies may spend less time less fourth dimension engaging their kids in conversations that could help them develop crucial problem-solving and negotiation skills.

Every bit a issue, their kids grow upward with fewer such skills, putting them at higher risk for anti-social beliefs (Santos et al 2017).

It's speculation, but it sounds reasonable. And information technology points to another hopeful point:

We can steer kids away from aggression and antisocial behavior by coaching them in how to handle their emotions and impulses.

For tips, run across my article on opens in a new windowemotion coaching, besides every bit this opens in a new windowParenting Science guide to positive parenting tactics.

And then where does this all lead us? To a very anti-authoritarian decision: Our kids are better off if adults avoid telling them manipulative lies.


When kids become aware of our lies, it affects their behavior — both in the short-term, and the long-term.

And information technology probably harms our relationships, too. In yet some other study of outcomes amidst young adults, people who remembered frequent parental lying during childhood were much more than likely to say they were dissatisfied with the relationship they had with their parents (Cargill and Curtis 2017).

Then if we want to inspire honest behavior in our children, we need to model honest behavior with them.

If we want to raise kids who are well-adapted and prepare to treat others with respect, nosotros need to avoid manipulating them with lies.

If we want our personal relationships to experience mutually rewarding, nosotros need to treat each other with honesty and kindness.

It isn't, as they say, rocket science. But information technology requires attempt and vigilance. Are we set up to take upward the challenge?

More information almost parenting and the development of lying

"Parenting past lying" isn't the only way adults influence children's honesty.

Research also suggests that castigating discipline encourages kids to lie. And kids may feel justified in lying if they perceive an developed's say-so to be illegitimate. When parents get overly intrusive — or try to impose rules that kids perceive to be unjust or unreasonable — they are more likely to rebel.

To read more about these phenomena, see my articles,

  • "Punitive environments encourage children to tell lies"
  • "Why kids rebel: What kids believe nearly the legitimacy of authority"

In add-on, you can read more than about the fascinating evolution of lying in my article, "At what age exercise children brainstorm telling lies?"

And what about the sorts of lies that aren't antisocial? The types of lies that people tell to exist overnice to each other? Kids understand these also. For more data, run into my article, "Compassionate deception: Do children tell lies to be kind?"

References: When adults lie to children

Cargill JR and Curtis DA. 2017. Parental Deception: Perceived Effects on Parent-Child Relationships. Journal of Relationships Research 8: e1.

Hays C and Carver LJ. 2014. Follow the liar: the effects of adult lies on children's honesty. Dev Sci. 17(6):977-83.

Heyman GD, Hsu Equally, Fu K, Lee Thousand. 2013. Instrumental lying by parents in the United states and China. Int J Psychol. 48(six):1176-84.

Heyman GD, Luu DH, Lee K. 2009. Parenting by lying. J Moral Educ. 38(3):353-369.

Isle of man H, Garcia-Rada X, Houser D, Ariely D. 2014. Everybody else is doing it: exploring social transmission of lying behavior. PLoS I. ix(10):e109591

Nguyen SP, Gordon CL, Chevalier T, Girgis H. 2016. Trust and doubt: An exam of children's decision to believe what they are told about food. J Exp Child Psychol.144:66-83.

Santos RM, Zanette S, Kwok SM, Heyman GD, and Lee K. 2017. Exposure to Parenting by Lying in Babyhood: Associations with Negative Outcomes in Machismo. Front Psychol. 2022 8:1240.

Setoh P, Zhao Southward, Santos R, Heyman GD, Lee M. 2020. Parenting by lying in babyhood is associated with negative developmental outcomes in machismo. J Exp Child Psychol. 189:104680.

Vanderbilt KE, Heyman GD, Liu D. 2014. In the absence of alien testimony young children trust inaccurate informants. Dev Sci. 17(three):443-51.

Text © 2022 – 2022 Gwen Dewar, Ph.D., all rights reserved

Title paradigm of skeptical-looking children cropped from photo by Elaine Sanchez / Dept of Defence

Prototype of cookie monster by opens in a new windowMark Fowler / flickr

image of peaking child by TY Lim / shutterstock

image of grumpy kids in a line-up by Gelpi / shutterstock

close-up of girl talking to developed by pixelheadvideo digitalskillet / shutterstock

aggressive male child by Alona Siniehina / shutterstock

Image of mother and toddler by opens in a new windowRachel Wilder / flickr

content terminal modified one/2021


Source: https://parentingscience.com/what-happens-when-adults-lie-to-children/

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